
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Defaults for the useradd command

# Defaults for the useradd command
#GROUP=100 # Default Group
HOME=/home/users # Home directory location (/home/username)
SKEL=/etc/skel # Skeleton Directory
INACTIVE=0 # Days after password expires to disable account (0=never)
EXPIRE= # Days that a passwords lasts
SHELL=/bin/bash # Default Shell (full path)
# Defaults for the passwd command
PASSMIN=0 # Days between password changes
PASSWARN=14 # Days before password expires that a warning is given
# Ensure that root is running the script.
if [ $WHOAMI != "root" ]; then
echo "You must be root to add news users!"
exit 1
# Ask for username and fullname.
echo ""
echo -n "Username: "
echo -n "Full name: "
echo -n "Group ID: "
read GROUP
echo "Adding user: $USERNAME."
# Note that the "" around $FULLNAME is required because this field is
# almost always going to contain at least on space, and without the "'s
# the useradd command would think that you we moving on to the next
# parameter when it reached the SPACE character.
/usr/sbin/useradd -c"$FULLNAME" -d$HOME/$USERNAME -e$EXPIRE \
# Set password defaults
/usr/bin/passwd -n $PASSMIN -w $PASSWARN $USERNAME >/dev/null 2>&1
# Let the passwd command actually ask for password (twice)
/usr/bin/passwd $USERNAME
# Show what was done.
echo ""
echo "Entry from /etc/passwd:"
echo -n " "
grep "$USERNAME:" /etc/passwd
echo "Entry from /etc/shadow:"
echo -n " "
grep "$USERNAME:" /etc/shadow
echo "Summary output of the passwd command:"
echo -n " "
passwd -S $USERNAME
echo ""

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